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The Reason For Starting a church

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Category : > Non Profit Religious and Non Religious Organization
Posted On : Tue May 15th,2018

Learn here the process to create a church in the USA including Bylaws:

Purpose of the Church:

The purpose for starting a Church is to meet the spiritual need of the community, in which it should be located.  The church should provide needed help and guidance to the members of that Community, especially to the future generation who is trying to find their purpose in life. it should be a distinctive light house for all to see- a moral compass of holiness and righteous. It should be a plat from which the word of God is echoed.

How to start A Church?

Step One: Come up with a preferred name, and do a search of the availability of the name. In other words, Check the preferred name if has already been filed in the State department to avoid any discrepancy with the name.

Step Two: Schedule a meeting, choose a President, a board of trustee and gather their information for record purpose, and the object by which the corporation is to be formed. The person or persons who will form the Church is known as the incorporator. They will do businesses on behalf of the incorporation.

The Filing of a Church to Incorporate

The  incorporator  will then file the certificate of incorporation with the County Clerk/state, according to the location or address of the house of worship.  Upon approval of the Incorporation, the Organization meets with the directors who are in the Certificate of Incorporation. This meeting is for the adapting of the Bylaws, and electing pertinent officers, and  fixing  matters pertaining the Church.

The  Church is a Charitable Organization, and should not be for profitable gain. Income should not be given to the officers, members, or Directors but as prescribe in the bylaws. There should be a reasonable compensation or stipend given to those who are serving to the nonprofit organization.

Bylaws of a Church:

Corporate bylaws are defined as a set of rules and regulations use for guidance on how a Corporation must operate. There is important information that spell out the Rules and regulation that should be followed by the appointed personnel that should manage the Corporation. Some of the requirements accordingly to the bylaw are: An annual meeting must be held for the election of directors, and making plans for the church on a set date under the bylaw.

Starting church is easy : We listen to your vision and fill out all of the necessary paperwork for you, ensuring that you are protecting what God has given you to do, as a lead. This will allow you to continue to pursue the vision and get it accomplished in a given time. We will help you find to find a good Attorney or a CPA.


Dr. James Gordon

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