Welcome to our website. I hope you find this information right for you.
On behalf of InfoTaxSquare.com , I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words. We started InfoTaxSquare.com on April 30th, 2003 with strong faith to provide the best services and gain confidence of every individual and business owner. We came up with the idea “Square” as helping and providing information from every end.
Our commitment to client service is grounded in our tradition and goes to the very heart of what we do and how we do it. We pride ourselves on being partners with our clients. We have developed a set of values supporting our goals that we pledge to uphold in our work every day. Through our values, we are:
Dedicated to our clients' success
Committed to working as partners
Determined to achieve our potential
Passionate about our work
Focused on providing our best thinking
Intent upon listening and learning
Innovative and creative
Ethical and responsible
Dedicated to our clients
Dedicated to your success
Since InfoTaxSquare.com establishment, hundreds of individuals and business owners have benefited from our services whether it is incorporating businesses, business licensing or filing income taxes.
Please tour our site, explore our program, review our offerings and see industry viewpoints written about us by our clients around the nation. I encourage you to contact us directly with any questions that you may have about our services.
We will appreciate all your comments and promise to listen and keep improving. We always stand behind resolving your issues whether it is business or personal. We look forward to an extremely productive partnership.
Please do not hesitate to e-mail me directly at: nashib@infotaxsquare.com
Thanks again to choose InfoTaxSquare.com for your business needs.
President & CEO