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Start A Book and Magazine Company

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Category : > New Business Setup
Posted On : Thu Oct 06th,2016

An ultimate guide to open a book and Magazine Business

How to Start A Book and Magazine Company in the United States?


Publishing business is related to the issuance and production of printed matter for sale. This is now a major business industry with large companies in operation.


Following are the key matters to be considered when opening books and magazine company.

  • Market analysis
  • Name of your business
  • Set your Authority
  • The type of company you want to incorporate
  • Find suppliers
  • Finances
  • Marketing your product
  • Know the legal requirements

Market analysis

Before you start running books and magazines business it is very necessary to analyze the market conditions. This helps you to understand whether or not to start the company in the very first place because if the market is saturated it would not be right to enter it. Moreover, the market analysis also provides you with the important information regarding the competitors and how you could differentiate your business from them to boost your sales.


Look at the following points:

  • Create a different and new concept

Consumers always welcome new ideas and unique interesting content. Same with you; it is up to you how you evaluate the market you are going to approach and what kind of content you bring up.

  • Follow the trend and become distinctive

Just look what is going on at the top of the news. It is a very quick and smart way to attract the attention of the audience.

  • Select a niche
    You can set your authority by selecting a niche, if you are going for all in one, it is no more a successful strategy. Be unique and provide extraordinary authentic pure researched material. In this way, you can earn the trust of people.


The type of company you want to incorporate

It is very necessary to decide in the beginning which type of company you want to incorporate to give you a maximum protection and saving taxes. This means the country in which you are starting your books and magazines business would have laws regarding this. For instance, if you're starting your business in the USA then you would have options to start your company as a sole proprietorship, a limited liability company or an s-corporation. These would have a direct impact on the taxes you pay. You should register a company, where you are operating a business.


Find Suppliers

Make arrangements with the suppliers ensuring they are reliable to provide the material on time.  The competition is too high and the profit margin is very thin nowadays and is very hard to compete in the market. So, ensure that you have balanced margin to compete.


Although starting books and magazines company might not need huge investments as in other businesses, however, it is still necessary to ensure that the expenses borne for the operations being undertaken do not exceed the outcome. These expenses might include

  •  Salaries
  • Advertising costs
  • Publishing costs
  • Distribution costs
  • Royalty that is to be paid to the authors


Setting your Authority

Setting your authority means you must decide what kind of material you want to publish or buy in the books and magazines. This is an important task because your sales would be depending on the customer needs I.e. what the customer wants to read. Your book and magazine company should follow these tips:

  • What are you offering to your readers?
  • Does it have a recognized authority on the subject?
  • Either it is concerning culture, celebrities, or fashion


Marketing your product

An extensive marketing plan can turn the dust into gold. If you are rich in marketing creative ideas, you can reach to your potential readers on national and international level equal. Here I am going to suggest you some marketing tools and techniques:

  • Creating an outline edition can minimize the distance between you and your reader. Now you can get millions of customers sitting at your home as all the prominent book and magazine companies are opting this strategy.
  • Ensure your web presence- customers trust on the companies that care and listen to the complaints. Establish a strong communication channel to receive the feedback and reviews.
  • Social Networking can maximize your traffic within days if you run a successful social media campaign.

Name of your business

Decide the name of your business and see if the name is not taken by any other books and magazine company. Once you have decided the name the very next step should be getting it registered.

  • You need license and permits to open a book and magazine Company in the USA
  • Register your business name in the USA as a Sole Proprietor, an LLC or a Corporation
  • You need to get an EIN to filing taxes, hiring employees, and opening a bank account.
  • Sales tax license may be registered.
  • A business license may require registering a book and magazine company.  
  • You may need to get an operating agreement to run book and magazine compan, if operating business under Limited Liability Company.
  • A Non US Resident may also start a publishing company in the USA.



The Author of this article is a M.Phil in English Literature

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