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Open Corporation in Georgia

How to Get a Corporation in Georgia?
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Category : > Articles Directory To Open A Corporation in The USA
Posted On : Wed Aug 24th,2016

How to Get a Corporation in Georgia?

Filing Procedure For Forming Georgia Profit Corporations:


  • Corporations are formed by filing articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State.
  • A name may be reserved prior to filing.
  • Articles of incorporation must include the information described in O.C.G.A. §§ 14-2-202 (profit
  • Within 90 days of incorporation, each Georgia corporation must file an initial annual registration form
    that lists three principal officers with the Secretary of State.
  • Georgia corporation must file an initial annual registration form that lists three principal officers with the Secretary of State.
  • A corporation that does not submit its annual registration is subject to administrative dissolution. An administratively dissolved corporation may be reinstated within 5 years of the effective date of dissolution.


Articles of incorporation for profit corporations must contain the following information:

1. The exact name of the corporation.
2. The number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue. This will be the maximum number of
shares the corporation can issue without amending its articles. The number cannot be zero (0).
3. The street address and county of the initial registered office and the name of initial registered agent at
that office. The registered office address must be a street address; a post office box is not
sufficient. The registered agent may be an individual or a corporation. The registered agent is
the party designated by the limited partnership to accept notices on its behalf, and to alert the
appropriate personnel.
4. The name and address of each incorporator. The incorporator(s) is the person(s) that signs the
articles of incorporation, delivers them to the Secretary of State for filing, and then organizes the
5. The mailing address of the corporation’s principal office, if different from the registered office.
The principal office address may be a post office box, unlike the registered office. The principal
office mailing address is the address to which any correspondence to the corporation from the
Corporations Division will be sent.



  • Processing Time-You can check the state current estimated time to process your Corporation application either online at the website or contact us.
  • We have customized online form to file your corporation 24/7.
  • The corporation must be incorporated in the state of Georgia to conduct business.

    Are you ready to start a corporation in Georgia?



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