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How to incorporate company in Nevada?
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Category : > Articles Directory To Open A Corporation in The USA
Posted On : Fri Nov 26th,2010

How to incorporate company in Nevada?


  • No Corporate Income Tax
  • No Taxes on Corporate Shares
  • No Franchise Tax
  • No Personal Income Tax
  • Nominal Annual Fees
  • Nevada corporations may purchase, hold, sell or transfer shares of its own stock.
  • No Franchise Tax on Income
  • No Inheritance or Gift Tax
  • No Unitary Tax
  • No Estate Tax

1. Privacy:

Shareholder information need not be disclosed to the state of Nevada. Nevada does not maintain public records of shareholder information. Nevada has no Information Sharing Agreement with the IRS. It does not maintain a publicly available database of companies' management. The reporting and disclosure obligations imposed by the state of Nevada are minimal.

2. Assets Protection:

Owners of limited liability companies (LLCs) and corporations receive limited liability protection. Owners' assets cannot be seized as a result of the LLC or corporate liabilities. Due to the privacy protection offered to the shareholders, it is more difficult for any party to track business owners and owners' assets.

3. Taxation

Nevada imposes no income tax on either LLCs or corporations, no franchise tax, no tax on capital stock or assets, no capital shares or stock transfer taxes, no state inheritance tax on stock held by non-residents of Nevada.

4. Convenience and Flexibility

Nevada allows one individual to act as the shareholder, director and hold all the executive offices. LLCs and corporations can be headquartered anywhere in the world. Aside from a registered agent address, owners are not required to maintain a physical address within the state. Stock can be transferred instantly and privately, without filing a public notice.

Nevada does not impose a minimum capital investment requirement for LLCs and corporations. Written consent is accepted to serve as a binding resolution adopted by the share holders or directors to approve a particular action. Nevada allows stock to be issued for nearly any consideration i.e. capital investment, services, personal property, real estate, etc.




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