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How to register an Advertising Agency in the USA

Registering an advertising business in the USA
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Category : > New Business Setup
Posted On : Fri Jun 23rd,2017

Registering an advertising business in the USA

An ultimate guide to open an Advertising company in the USA

In order to set up an advertising agency, an entrepreneur must go through the following procedure:

Registering an advertising agency in the USA:

Before running your advertising business you are required to organize your business as a legal entity.

There are various business structures under one can incorporate and all have different financial, legal, and tax considerations. The right business structures depend on the number of things and considerations that include the level of control you want to have, financing needs, and business vulnerability to lawsuits. The chosen business structure requires a further registration process. You may need to file registration to the secretary of the state. The business structure requirements change state to state.

Choose your business name to setup an advertising agency

The very first step to incorporate your advertising business is to choose a business name. The business name should reflect your brand identity and should be unique.

Apply for trademark protection to save your investment for the long-term

 A trade mark is your intellectual property that represents and distinguishes your business from the other competitors, if you do not register your advertising business trademark, you may lose your valuable asset.

“The second step to establish your advertising agency is to register the business name”

Register your business name  as:

  • Registering the business name is known as DBA (Doing Business As). The fictitious name is different from your personal name. The legal name of your business will assist you on all government platforms.
  • You can also choose a corporation, limited liability company, partnership or limited partnerships to run an advertising agency.

The legal name of your business is required on all government forms and applications, including your application for employer tax IDs, licenses, and permits.


How to register your advertising agency Name?

You are required to visit your county clerk’s office or the secretary of the state where you want to operate your advertising agency.

Additional steps to run your advertising business smoothly

  • Acquire federal tax ID

If your business has employees, you need to apply for an Employer Identification Number

  • Register your advertising company with the State Revenue Agency

You are also required to obtain permits and Tax IDs from the state Revenue Agency where you are operating your advertising business.  The most frequent tax obligations are as follows:

  • Tax permit
  • Income Taxes
  • Employment Taxes

Can a non-US resident open an advertising agency in the USA?

Yes, a non-US resident can start advertising company in the United States. He needs to obtain federal Employer Identification Number


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