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Dissolve LLC in Texas

How to Dissolve an LLC in Texas?
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Category : > A Company Dissolution Library
Posted On : Wed Aug 24th,2016

How to Dissolve an LLC in Texas?


Steps to Dissolve, Surrender, or Cancel a Texas LLC:


  • Take the necessary internal steps to wind up the affairs of your Texas LLC to conduct business.
  • File Certificate of Temination signed by the owners.
  • File all delinquent tax returns and pay all tax balances, including any penalties, fees, and interest.
  • File the final/current year tax return. Check the applicable Final Return box on the first page of the return, and write “final” at the top of the first page. All tax returns remain subject to audit until the statute of limitations expires.
  • Must cease doing or transacting business in Texas after the final taxable year.
  • File the appropriate dissolution, surrender, or cancellation form(s) with the SOS within 12 months of filing your final tax return.
  • Pay all outstanding balances due.
  • File all delinquent tax returns.
  • In all cases, the business must be in good standing. In addition, a Tax Clearance Certificate must be issued for both domestic and foreign for-profit corporations with assets.
  • Surrender or notify your licenses to the departments that you are closing  your business.
  • Reason to disslove the Limited Liability Company.
  • When a shareholder (owner) passes away, his or her shares must pass to someone else, either through the deceased shareholder’s will, by law, or by the terms of a shareholders' agreement. The new shareholder would have to consent to a voluntary termination or take other action to have the corporation approve the termination under the Texas Business Organizations Code.
  • Provide EIN to mention on your disslution document.
  • We can help you to file final returns, if you have not filed yet.
  • You can use our online customized forms to file your dissolution.


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