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Colorado Entity Name Search

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Category : > New Business Setup
Posted On : Sat May 25th,2019

State of Colorado business database search is used to find the name availability by business name, trademark, trade name, ID and document number electronically. We will describe below in this article the importance of a name check prior to file for the company registration in Colorado.

What is the importance of a business name search in a detail by on the internet and the other available sources?

  • Confirming the availability of a business name search is one of the keystones to establish a business, it defines your business description to a potential client.
  • It helps to avoid delay, rejection and the future expected legal action for using a similar name which is already trademarked nationally or internationally.

How to pick a business name?

  1. It should not be too long.
  2. A user can easily remember, pronounce and vocalize.
  3. It must be available for the trademarking.
  4. A domain name must be available to advertise business online.

What is the process to check the name availability of an entity in Colorado?

  • The availability of an entity name can be checked online instantly at the Colorado Secretary of State and U.S.P.T.O websites.
  • The The United States Patent and Trademark Office process is a very complex compare to the Colorado secretary of state, but it is highly recommended for the eCommerce businesses to check prior to a business name registration in the state of Colorado to avoid wasting money on the advertisement and future lawsuits. The U.S.P.T.O is a an agency which approves the patents and trademark registration.

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