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Nikhil Tendulkar   wrote on : Sat Sep 08th,2018   Back to Article

Hi i am an eBay seller who mostly drop ships from Amazon. eBay now asked me to provide permits for sales tax in all states. I am charging sales tax to buyers as Amazon charges me and I need to pass it on to my buyers. Please help if you can advise the best way to figure this or provide some help on getting the sales tax permits fixed for all 50 states of the U.S. Not charging tax wil not be a option as i will still be charged tax by Amazon. Regards. Nikhil

Reply :
Sales Tax Permit For The eBay And Amazon Sellers

We will walk you through how to handle sales tax collection on eBay and Amazon. Collecting sales tax for the eBay and Amazon is a same science what we apply for the other B2C or C2C companies.

Who collects and calculates a sales tax?

Tips to Collect sales tax in Amazon and eBay programs:

  • The party, whose checkout process is being used, in this case we can say the Amazon and eBay are the responsible parties because their checkout system is being used to complete a sale.
  • An eBay and Amazon seller is required to set the taxable table during the initial setup process of the online store.
  • If a seller collects the sales amount directly from a customer then it becomes a seller's responsibility to collect sales tax, otherwise a use tax is paid by a buyer to him/herself to its state, if the item was subject to sales tax and sales tax was not paid to the seller at the time of purchase.
  • Generally, the eBay and Amazon collect sales tax and the cost of the goods from a buyer on behalf of the state on the taxable items.

Do you get a business license to sell on eBay and Amazon stores?

A business license is a requirement of your state and local authorities to transact business, rather than the Amazon and eBay, they do not have such requirement to join their programs.

Are you required to acquire sales and use tax permit of each state to join Amazon and eBay programs?

No, it is not required unless you are buying goods tax free and it is also observed that the vendors make an arrangement for the sellers to avoid complications of obtaining sales and use tax permit of each state.

So, it is advised to read policies on eBay and Amazon before engaging in their programs to avoid tax complications which are very complex in the USA.

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