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Why should one file a Biennial Statement

How to file Biennial Statement How to file an Annual Report How to file statement of Information
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Category : > Annual Report Filing
Posted On : Sat Aug 29th,2009

How to file Biennial Statement How to file an Annual Report How to file statement of Information

Biennial Statement

A corporation or LLC that fails to file its Biennial Statement, annual report or statement of information with the state will be reflected in the Department’s records as past due, delinquent or admin dissolved. Any Certificate under Seal, status or good standing letter obtained from the Department of State will reflect that the corporation or LLC is past due in the filing of its Biennial Statement, annual report or statement of information and is not in good standing. This may prevent the corporation or LLC from completing certain business transactions.

In many states, after the filing of the First Report by a profit corporation, the Biennial Profit Corporate Report will be filed on or before the fifteenth day of the third month following the end of its financial/taxable year-end, which may be a fiscal year-end or a calendar year-end.


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Comments (1)
Abel Whitehead   wrote on : Wed Jul 08th,2015
Please contact me if to let me know if my corporation s are in good standing. 12 Jewelz Inc. And Jewelz of life, Inc.      View Detail
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Abel Whitehead:

Thanks for choosing for your business needs.What state is your company registered to check if your company is in a good standing or not? You can also call us at 1+516.822.3100 for live help.

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