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Who can apply for An S Corporation?

S Corporation is more suitable for small and family business because it may contain only one class of stock.
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Category : > Article Directory To Open An S Corporation
Posted On : Thu Aug 27th,2009

S Corporation is more suitable for small and family business because it may contain only one class of stock.

What is the qualification to file an S Corporation?


  • A S corporation is a pass-through entity an L.L.C or a partnership where the members and the partners file income tax rather than a corporation's return.

  • Some businesses qualify for S-Corporation filing, while others do not. In order to start an S - Corporation, the company may have only one class of stock. S Corporation formation is more suitable for small and family businesses and for those who starts their business with small investment.

  • A social security number is required to file an S Corporation and it is subject to have a resident status in the United Status.

  • Generally, the Federal estimated time to approve the S Corporation status is 4-6 weeks.





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Comments (7)
Farah Tait   wrote on : Tue May 04th,2010
How can we change the president of our S Corp?      View Detail
Reply :

You have to call a board of directors meeting and file annual report too with the state

Alan   wrote on : Sat Nov 06th,2010
Hi we started a day trading business at home almost 2 years ago. we decide to turn our business to register business, to get benefit for our tax and expenses.Please give us some information that what we should do and what type corporation we need to set up for our business. thanks .      View Detail
Reply :
Dear Alan:

Thanks for choosing for your business needs. We need additional information to properly guide you and would suggest you to please call us between 9-5 eastern time at 516.822.3100 to speak one of our consultant.

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Shirley Moore   wrote on : Tue Nov 23rd,2010
How can I change from an entity of Sole Propriety to an S Corporation. Which I just submitted a week ago      View Detail
Reply :
Dear Shirley Moore:

Thanks for choosing for your business needs. To advise you properly we need to know the state name. Because only in few states you can convert your Sole Proprietor to an S Corporation. You can either send us an email with additional information or call at 516.822.3100.

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