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What is an article of amendment?

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Category : > Amendment In The Existing Company Name
Posted On : Fri Aug 28th,2009


An article of amendment is a formal document that is filed with the state of registration when any corporation or Limited Liability Company or any other business entity wants to change its legal name.

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Comments (2)
Debra & Jeremiah Patterson   wrote on : Tue Feb 02nd,2010
When filing Articles of Incorporation for Georgia. I accidently forgot to put the owner of the company where it asked for name & address of Incorporator(s) are: Do not wish to change the legal name. Only wants to add the owner of the company as In Article 4: The name of address of Incorporator(s) are: What I need to do? Need the information to open up Bank Account and for my sponsor(s) please. Thank you for your services..      View Detail
Reply :

Dear Debra,

Thanks for choosing for your business needs. You just need to add the names of the owners or the person who sign as the incorporator when you filed your Articles of Incorporation with the State.

Documents Filing



Chong   wrote on : Mon Jul 02nd,2012
I just need 1 llc member change last name do I need change llc name?      View Detail
Reply :

Dear Chong:

Thanks for choosing for your business needs. Every state has different laws to change business name. To guide you properly please let us know what state is your LLC located?

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