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Start Corporation in Oklahoma

Requirement for Setting Up A Corporation in Oklahoma
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Category : > Articles Directory To Open A Corporation in The USA
Posted On : Wed Aug 10th,2016

Requirement for Setting Up A Corporation in Oklahoma

How to register a business name in Oklahoma as a corporation?

Definition of an Oklahoma Corporation

Every person is planning to start a business in the state of Oklahoma is required to register a company such as a C Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Limited Partnerships, General Partnerships or a under a Trade Name. Doing business under a corporation provides a shield to the stockholders to protect their personal assets by a law sued. You can do better itemization and chances of an audit is lesser than doing business under a dba or a sole proprietorship in the state of Oklahoma. You have to maintain bylaws to transact business under a corporation.

Steps to help getting incorporated a corporation in Oklahoma:

  • Ensure the corporate name is available, you are going to register with the Oklahoma secretary of state. You can check the entity name availability at Oklahoma secretary of state online real time to avoid rejection of your article.
  • You can also reserve a corporate name to use in the future, but you will not be able to use to conduct business or advertise in the state of Oklahoma. It is going to be reserved for a limited time and you can renew it on or before of its expiration.
  • File an articles of incorporation to start a corporation in the state of Oklahoma with the secretary of state to register a corporation in Oklahoma.
  • Stockholders' information including name and address
  • Social Security Number of at least one stockholder to apply for the employer identification number (Not applicable for a non US resident)
  • Business address and PO Box is not acceptable to register a corporation in Oklahoma
  • Business description and you can start any lawful business described by the Oklahoma secretary of state.

What is Oklahoma processing time to register a corporation?

The Oklahoma state approves the article at real time, if there is no error and sends you a confirmation in your registered email to print the article online.

Does' State of Oklahoma provide a professional advise to decide the right structure for your business?

No, you can consult with a local Certified Public Accountant or an Attorney to select the best structure for your business to save taxes and safeguard personal or business assets from any lawsuit.

Can you file corporation registration online?

Yes, you can file the article of incorporation electronically real time.

Who is the registered agent in Oklahoma to form a corporation?

  • Registered agent can either be a person or a commercial entity to receive and forward departments official mail to the responsible parties of the corporation in Oklahoma.
  • Officer or Stockholder of the corporation can serve him/herself as a registered agent instead of retaining a third party to serve.
  • Registered agent information must be updated with the Oklahoma Secretary of state in the yearly annual reports or if ever changed,

Can Oklahoma secretary of state issue the same corporate name of the other entity?

No, your corporate name cannot be used by someone else in the state of Oklahoma or you can say that the State of Oklahoma did not issue already registered name to the new corporation.

Does state of Oklahoma issue you EIN along with the approved article?

No, You have to contact with the Internal Revenue service to obtain a New Employer Identification Number.

How to file an S Corporation in the state of Oklahoma?

A Form 2553 will be submitted to the Internal Revenue service to file your taxes as an S Corporation.

Status of a C Corporation is terminated or inactive with the state

If your corporation status is inactive or terminated at the Oklahoma state website, it means that you have not filed your annual report on time and to bring it back to good standing or reinstating your corporation, you must file all due annual reports with the Oklahoma Secretary of State.


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