Depending on your business operations, you may be required to obtain more than just a retail cigarette license or tobacco license. If you are a new retailer you may need to obtain a sales tax id number (Certificate of Authority).
Exempt states for Cigarette and Tobacco License/Cigar License:
Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, New Mexico, South Carolina and Virginia
Carrying renewed retail cigarette and tobacco licenses and sales tax permit is mandatory to sell any tobacco items in the state of New York. Certificate of Authority and Retail cigarette license must be displayed at location prominently.
If you are ready to order for retail cigarette or tobacco licenses,or sales tax registration in
any fifty states to sell cigarette and tobacco products please click order now button or for addition
information click read more. You can also use our 24/7 live chat service for free consultation or toll
free +1 (866)754 4460