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Rights and duties of trustees of religious corporations

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Category : > Non Profit Religious and Non Religious Organization
Posted On : Fri Jan 22nd,2010


The trustees of every religious corporation shall have the custody and control of all the temporalities and property, real and personal, belonging to the corporation and of the revenues there from, and shall administer the same in accordance with the discipline, rules and usages of the corporation and of the ecclesiastical governing body, if any, to which the corporation is subject, and with the provisions of law relating thereto, for the support and maintenance of the corporation, or, providing the members of the corporation at a meeting thereof shall so authorize, of some religious, charitable, benevolent or educational object conducted by said corporation or in connection with it, or with the denomination, if any, with which it is connected;

They shall not use such property or revenues for any other purpose or divert the same from such uses.

They may transfer all or any part of the real or personal estate of such religious non-profit corporation to such bank or trust company organized or existing under the laws of the State where it was incorporated, or to a national banking association whose principal office is located in the State of New York as may be designated by them or to a holding company, organized under the laws of the State of New York, of the same religious denomination, such property to be held in trust or in safekeeping or custody, to collect the income thereof and pay over the same to the trustees of such religious corporation at such times and in such manner as shall be agreed upon

They may also delegate and grant to the trustee or custodian designated by them all or any portion of the powers, responsibilities and discretionary authority possessed by them with respect to the retention and the investment and reinvestment of such property or any part thereof, and may from time to time modify such powers delegated by them or designate successor or different trustees or custodians within the limits and subject to the regulations and restrictions contained in this section.


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