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Religious Corporation

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Category : > Non Profit Religious and Non Religious Organization
Posted On : Fri Jan 22nd,2010


A religious corporation is a type of religious non-profit organization, which has been incorporated under the law defined by the concerned authorities.

It is usually the government, who holds records of non-profit religious organizations, is responsible for regulating these religious not-for-profit corporations, say for instance Secretary of State. These not-for-profit religious corporations are recognized under the law on sub national level and usually Secretary of State of that particular state will be monitoring the activities of such religious corporations.

If we compare Religious corporations with other tax-exempt organizations then these religious non profit corporations are subject to less state and federal filing and reporting requirements. Depending on the state in which they are incorporated, they may also be exempt from some of the inspections or regulations governing non-religious groups performing the same services.  







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Comments (12)
julie romig   wrote on : Mon Feb 22nd,2010
i would like to start a non profit organization that consists of spiritual inspirational books for inmates in local county jails. How would I start to do this? i AM DISABLED.      View Detail
Reply :
Dear Julie Roming: Thanks for choosing for your business needs. To start Non-Profit organization please use the following link.

Link to apply Non-profit or Religious Organization:
Business Documents

NICKY   wrote on : Sat Feb 27th,2010
What steps do one take when incorporating a church? They are registered with the city.      View Detail
Reply :
Dear Nicky: Thanks for choosing for your business needs. Please use the following link to apply for your Non-Profit organization.
Documents Filing

Chaplain Norman C. Cowan   wrote on : Thu Mar 18th,2010
Please tell me what I need, in order to set up a nonprofit religious organization in Colorado. Thank you. Sincerily. Chaplain Norman C,.Cowan      View Detail
Reply :
Dear Chaplain Norman C. Cowan: Thanks for choosing for your business needs. Please use the following link to apply for Non-Profit organization.

If you have any question please either send us an email at or call 516.822.3100
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