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Register Sales Tax NY

How to register for sales tax in NY?
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Category : > Article Directory of Sales Tax Registration
Posted On : Wed Aug 10th,2016

How to register for sales tax in NY?

Requirement to Register Sales Tax NY:


Instructions to apply  for a New York Sales Tax Certificate of Authority:

Complete this application to obtain your Sales Tax Certificate of Authority, which gives you the right to:

  • collect tax on your taxable sales; and
  • issue and accept most New York State sales tax exemption certificates.

Who should apply for?

If you plan to do any of the following in New York State:

  • sell tangible personal property or provide certain taxable services
  • collect state and local sales tax
  • issue or receive New York State sales tax exemption documents
  • operate a hotel or motel or receive amusement charges

When to register?

You must apply for a Certificate of Authority at least 20 days before you:

  • make taxable sales
  • provide taxable services within New York State
  • issue or accept New York State exemption documents

Once you are registered:

Display your Certificate of Authority

We will mail you a Certificate of Authority if we approve your application.

  • You must display your certificate in plain view at your place of business.
  • If you have more than one location, display a certificate at each location with the appropriate address corresponding to that location.
  • If you don't have a regular place of business, attach the certificate to your cart, stand, or truck so that it is visible.



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