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Register Non Profit Corporation in Arizona

How to Register a Non Profit Organization in Arizona?
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Category : > Non Profit Religious and Non Religious Organization
Posted On : Mon Aug 22nd,2016

How to Register a Non Profit Organization in Arizona?

Who can form a Non Profit corporation | Church | Relegious Organization in Arizona?



One or more persons can form an Arizona corporation by filing Articles of Incorporation with the Arizona Corporation Commission. These persons are called “incorporators.”

What are the name requirements?


The examiner will determine if the corporation name to be used complies with the statutory requirements, but you can review the name criteria, check for name availability and, if desired, submit a name reservation application.

What are bylaws, and do I file them?


The corporation is required to adopt bylaws. Bylaws are written rules that govern how the corporation operates internally, such as how the Board of Directors will be elected and what votes are required for a particular action. Bylaws can have any provision in them that is not prohibited by law.

How do I complete the member information?


A nonprofit corporation must state whether or not it will have members. A.R.S. § 3202. “Member” means any person that the articles of incorporation or bylaws give the right to vote for the election of a director or directors. See the full definition at A.R.S. § 3140(37). 


Is publication of the Articles required?


Yes. See A.R.S. § 10-3203. DO NOT PUBLISH UNTIL THE COMMISSION APPROVES THE DOCUMENT FOR FILING. The approval letter you will receive from the Arizona Corporation Commission will contain information on how to publish.

How do I form a 501(c)(3) or other type of tax exempt corporation?

“501(c)(3)” and other section 501 subparagraphs refer to Internal Revenue Service code provisions or regulations. Only the Internal Revenue Service can grant tax exempt status concerning federal taxation.

Provide the following information to register a non profit organization in Arizona:


  • Name of the non profit organization
  • Name and address of all directors
  • Duties of all directors
  • A detailed description of the non profit organization
  • At least one director social security number (Social security is not required for Non-US-Resident)
  • Non profit address
  • Mailing address if different from the Non profit



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