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Register Limited Partnerships Pennsylvania

A complete guide to register a Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership and Limited Liability Limited Partnership
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Category : > Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP/LP)
Posted On : Mon Feb 20th,2017

A complete guide to register a Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership and Limited Liability Limited Partnership

What is a Limited Partnership or LP?

  • A PA LP It is formed by two or more persons.
  • There should be one or more general partners and one or more limited partners in Pennsylvania Limited Partnership.
  • General partner has more exposure than limited partner and limited partners are not involved in the day to day management activities of the limited partnership.
  • A certificate of limited partnership must be filed with the Pennsylvania state to register an LP.
  • Generally professionals, such as law firms and accounting firms create LLP or LLLP and it provides additional protection to the limited partners.


What is a Limited Liability Partnership or LLP?

It is an existing general partnership and files a statement with the PA state to create an LLP.

 What is a Limited Liability Limited Partnership or LLLP?

It is also an existing general partnership and creates under chapter 82 of Pennsylvania State.

What is the process to apply for a  Limited Partnerships?

A statement of limited partnership application files with the PA state  along with the applicable fee.

 How long does state of Pennsylvania take to register Limited Partnerships?

The state of PA generally takes five to seven working days to register an LLP in the state of Pennsylvania.

How to file taxes for Pennsylvania Limited Partnerships?

All partners report profit and loss on their personal income tax returns. Limited Partnerships are passing through entity.


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