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Register a Foreign Limited Liability Company Missouri

A complete guide to obtain a Missouri Certificate of Authority to conduct business.
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Category : > Foreign Entity Qualification
Posted On : Wed Mar 21st,2018

A complete guide to obtain a Missouri Certificate of Authority to conduct business.

What is a Certificate of Authority Missouri?

Every entity, whether a foreign or domestic is required to obtain a certificate of authority to transact business in the state of Missouri.

Where to register a Foreign Limited Liability Company Missouri?

An article is filed with the Missouri secretary of state to register the Foreign Limited Liability Company.

What is the requirement to File a Foreign Entity in Missouri?

Generally, the following information is submitted to the MO Secretary of State to open a foreign LLC.

  1. Create an online account for the online business service with the Missouri Secretary of State.
  2. Login-in to the account to fill-out the online application for the foreign LLC MO.
  3. Enter the name of the LLC with the extension, such as LLC or L.L.C as at was originally registered in the home state.
  4. Registered agent information including the name and address of the company or person serving in the state of Missouri.
  5. Choose the duration of the company such as perpetual or At-Will. Perpetual means the LLC will continue the existence till file a dissolution , whereas, the "At-Will company" dissolves at the time of completion the duration.Generally, at-will is used for the real estate.
  6. Describe the purpose of the company.
  7. Mention the effective date of the LLC.
  8. Provide the certificate of good standing within 60 days from this filing.
  9. Electronic signature of an authorized person.
  10. The state filing fee to register a foreign LLC is $105.00 which can either be paid by a credit card or bank account.

What is the state of Missouri processing time to register a foreign LLC?

The state of MO estimated time to review the foreign LLC document is 24-48 hours.

Annual Filing Requirement for a MO LLC:

The LLC does not file an annual report with the state of Missouri.


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