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Open Corporation in Montana

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Category : > Articles Directory To Open A Corporation in The USA
Posted On : Wed Sep 21st,2016

How to Open a Corporation in Montana?

An Ultimate Guide To Register a Business Name in Montana as a corporation

A corporation is a legal business entity to start a business in Montana and it provides a shield to its shareholders to safeguard personal assets. Shareholders of the corporation are not personally responsible for any financial obligation.

How to prepare an Articles of Incorporation of General For Profit Corporation Montana?

Montana Entity Name Search- The proposed name of the business must be checked with the Montana Secretary of state before filing Articles of Incorporation.You can also reserve a corporate name, if you are not ready to incorporate in Montana now, but it will not give you a right to operate or advertise your business until you register corporation name with the Secretary of State.

Business name must contain the word “corporation,” “incorporated,” “company,” or “limited,” or an abbreviation.If a professional corporation, the business name must contain the words “professional corporation” or an abbreviation.

Montana Registered Agent Address-Provide the name of the entity’s Commercial Registered Agent for service of process in Montana OR the name and address of the entity’s Noncommercial Registered Agent for service of process in Montana. The address must be an actual geographic address and PO Box is not acceptable.

Mailing Address-Provide the mailing address if different from the business address, and PO Box can be used for the mailing address.

Capital Stock-Enter the number of shares of Capital Stock which the Corporation has the authority to issue. It cannot be blank or zero.

Incorporators Information-Provide the name and business mailing address of each incorporator.

The Articles of the Incorporation must be filed with the Montana Secretary of State with the required fee to process your application to to incorporate your business a corporation.

Prepare Corporate Bylaws- It is a document prepared by the management showing details of the complete operation, including the name of the corporation, effective date of the corporation, business address, contribution and distribution of the investments, profits and losses, financial obligations of the incorporators. It should be prepared as per the Montana State Laws.

Non US Incorporator- A Non US can also incorporate a corporation without having a social security number.

FORM PROCESSING TIME- Business Services Division of the Montana Secretary of State will process your business documents estimated within 5-7 working days of receipt. You may request 24 hour priority handling of your document by simply marking the “24 hour priority handling” box and include an additional $20.00 with your handling fee.

Business Names Requiring Prior Approval-You will get a prior approval from the concerned department if using the following business name.

"bank," "banker," "banking," "savings bank," "saving," "trust company," or "investment company"  unless prior approval (consent) has been obtained from the Montana Department of Administration, Banking and Financial Institutions Division. Business may not be transacted under a name or title that contains the word "insurance company," "captive insurance company," "incorporated cell," or "protected cell" unless prior approval (consent) has been obtained from the Montana State Auditor’s Office, Department of Insurance.

Filing Montana Annual Report-All corporations are required to file an annual report for Montana with the Secretary of State to renew your corporation.

Sales Tax License Montana- All companies providing taxable services and selling taxable products are required to obtain a sales and use tax license Montana.

Employer Identification Number Montana- All corporations in Montana are required to apply for the EIN to open a bank account and filing taxes.

Filing S Corporation Election for Montana corporation- You can file form 2553 with the Internal Revenue to elect an S Corporation status to file taxes only.

Filing Taxes for Montana corporation- C Corporation Files Form 1120 and an S Corporation Files Form 1120S. An S Corporation is a pass through entity and the profits and losses, transfers to the stockholders by issuing a Form K1 and the stockholders of the entity report it on their income tax returns.





Masters in Accounting (Studied from Karachi University and Louisiana State University)

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