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Issues faced by nonprofit corporations

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Category : > Non Profit Religious and Non Religious Organization
Posted On : Fri Jan 22nd,2010


Capacity building is an ongoing problem faced by nonprofit corporations for a number of reasons. Most rely on external funding (government funds, grants from charitable foundations, direct donations) to maintain their operations and changes in these sources of revenue may influence the reliability or predictability with which the organization can hire and retain staff, sustain facilities, or create programs. In addition, unreliable funding, long hours and low pay can lead to employee burnout and high rates of turnover.
Founder's syndrome is an issue organizations face as they grow. Dynamic founders with a strong vision of how to operate the project try to retain control over the organization, even as new employees or volunteers want to expand the project's scope and try new things.




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Comments (1)
Rev. John Phelps   wrote on : Mon Apr 26th,2010
We are a non profit corporation with our 501 (c) 3 tax exempt number. We want to apply for a group exemption that will relate to our many locations throughout the United States. How do we begin? Thank you.      View Detail
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Dear Rev. John Phelps:

Thanks for choosing for your business needs. Please let us know where are you located and the purpose of this exemption?
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