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Is there any penalty to transact business without getting certificate of authority?

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Category : > Foreign Entity Qualification
Posted On : Fri Aug 28th,2009


Yes, if any entity who would not get certificate of authority then:

  • the entity cannot maintain an action, suit, or proceeding in a court until it registers;
  • the attorney general can enjoin the entity from transacting business in the state;
  • the entity is subject to a civil penalty equal to all fees and taxes that would have been imposed if the entity had registered when first required; and
  • If the entity has transacted business in the state for more than ninety (90) days, the secretary of state may condition the filing of the registration on the payment of a late filing fee equal to the registration fee for each year or part of year of delinquency.

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Comments (1)
Judah   wrote on : Wed Mar 24th,2010
What if you are an entertainment LLC and you travel to bring entertainment to various states do you have to register in each state in which you entertain?      View Detail
Reply :

How To Decide, that Where To Open An LLC For An Entertainment Business, who performs in different states?

What is the certificate of authority and does a performer has to obtain a certificate of authority in each state, where he attends an event?

It is a permission from a foreign state for the home state to transact business legally in a foreign state.

How to decide?

There are few factors which we will discuss below to decide where should a temporary performer create a limited liability company for an entertainment business.

The simplest way to create an LLC for an entertainment business is the home state and follow the guidelines of each state where the temporary assignment of a performer will be arranged, because each state of the USA has defined its own rules and the regulations to transact business.

Some states may ask you to get a certificate of authority to transact business in specific states, whereas some states have no such restrictions.

The home state will give you more authority to do business in a control; such as managing banking and obtaining licensing.

Generally, the organizers and sponsors of the states where you go to perform assume the responsibility to handle local permission issues from the authorities.

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