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How to Start a Tourism Business?

An Ultimate Guide to Registering a Tourism Company in USA
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Category : > New Business Setup
Posted On : Mon May 29th,2017

An Ultimate Guide to Registering a Tourism Company in USA

What does a tour operator provide?


A tour operator provides worldwide and local tourism services such as day tours, adventure tours, boating and hiking tours.

Opening a tourism company cost a little investment but have high-end returns if you work with full commitment to grow your customer base.  Starting a tourism business involves a few steps and the most important is to register your tourism business with the state where you want to operate.


“The very first and the most important step to open a tourism business in USA is to register your business first”


Checklist to register a new tourism business in USA


1.      Choose one of the following business structures (Limited Liability Company, Partnership, Sole Proprietorship etc.)

2.      Select the name of your business that represents your service or product

3.      check with the state or county to submit your article of organization

4.      Check if you need Certificate of good standing to open a bank account

5.      Check if you need sales tax permit to collect tax from the customers in your state, but in most states, sales and use tax is not applicable.


Determine your niche


Think what you are the most passionate about? Before choosing a niche, you have to go through a little research. if you are planning to open a local tourism company, you need to focus on the local trends. but if you want to register an international tourism company, still you need to do research on the famous world attractive places to plan your tourism packages.


Here are some suggestions for your tourism niche:

·         Nature tours

·         Flora fauna tours

·         River boat tours

·         Historical and Landmark Tours

·         Family tours

·         Event / Festival tours

·         Sport Tours

·         Live music tours


The next step is to design your tour


once you are done with the niche, design a compelling story with an interesting beginning, middle, and end. It means the various packages you are offering. If the place you are asking to visit is a worthy one? why should the customers choose you?


Create your online visibility


Creating an online tourism center is a quick move to approach our audience, update it with the blogs, picture and video gallery, user reviews and the stunning features of your company.



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