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How to start a pizza shop

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Category : > New Business Setup
Posted On : Sun Oct 30th,2016

An ultimate guide to operate a pizza shop

What is a pizza?

A pizza is an Italian dish consist of round dough with the topping of cheese and tomatoes.

What is a pizza shop?

A pizza shop is a place where pizzas are made and sold. You can start your pizza shop as;

  • Independent enterprise
  • franchise


What is an independent enterprise?

A business that operates independently and free from outside control. An independent business gives you advantages of:

  • you take all decisions
  • the flexibility of making changes in the budget
  • you can manage your situation if the cash flow is poor
  • you are the boss as you have your own rules and regulations.


What is a franchise?

Obtaining a franchise gives you the right to market service or a product using the trademark of other company or business.  Here are some Advantages of a franchise:
Buying the rights to operate a franchise gives you the rights to market techniques, products, and proven prices
You have the access of company’s trademark material such as slogan, logo, and signage
Higher chances of business success
Improved quality management of business
Reduced risks of losing the investment


Step to start an independent enterprise or franchise ( elaborate each point with both comparsion)
Business idea/plan.

  • Do market research
  • Choose location and arrange an appropriate place for pizza shop
  • Check for licenses and permits (foods, health & safety etc)
  • Operational and marketing plan
  • Hire workers with appropriate skills.if needed
  • Start operations
  • Review performance and set targets


What is business plan for pizza shop?

  • How to do research the market?
  • How to choose location?
  • How to obtain licenses and permits?
  • How to prepare operational and marketing plan? (social media, website, handouts, banners etc)
  • How to hire skilled workers?
  • How to start operation?(dine in, take away, online, home delivery)
  • How to set targets and performance reviw?

Required business registration and license to open a pizza shop

  • Business name registration for a pizza shop as a corporation, Limited Liability Company, Partnerships or a Sole proprietor with a county or the secretary of state.
  • Sales and use tax license for a pizza shop is required in most of the states.
  • Occupancy permit is required, if the consumers are eating at a pizza place.
  • Food processing license is required for a pizza store.
  • Workers' compensation and disability insurances for the pizza store workers.

Develop a website for a pizza shop

It is unavoidable to develop a website for your pizza shop to display prices, products, new offers, menu and receive orders online. It is the best and affordable way to advertise your business and reach out the maximum audience.


The Author of this article is a M.Phil in English Literature

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