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How To Search Arizona Entity Name Availability

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Category : > New Business Setup
Posted On : Wed May 22nd,2019

The business name must be differentiated with the Arizona state database for the preliminary entity name. We will cover the importance, characteristics and criteria to carefully select a business name for your business.

What is the standard to choose a meaningful business name?

A business name is a cornerstone of your business which reflects the business description and it should be named based on the following standards:

  1. Recommended to be a short, easy to remember or cachy and say in a flow rather than with a twisted tongue.
  2. A business name should represent to the industry code and a replica of your logo and advertising slogan.
  3. Do not use a special character between the business name and also unusual letters.

Check the entity name availability in Arizona and standards that considers to apply:

  1. The business name availability must be checked with the Arizona Corporation Commission.
  2. A domain name availability of your new is confirmed to create a website.
  3. The business name must be checked first with the U.S.P.T.O database prior to finalize it.
  4. An extension is used end of the business name to differentiate the type of entity such as an LLC, L.L.C, Corporation, Incorporate, Company, Limited and others.
  5. The entity name search in the state of Arizona should not be exceeded more than 60 characters.
  6. The identifier is required to use along with the name to make it distinguishable like corporation, corp, company, incorporated, limited, association, co., Ltd., Inc.,
    limited partnership, limited liability company, LLC, L.L.C., limited company, LC, L.C.,
    LLP, L.L.P., limited liability limited partnership, L.L.L.P, LLLP,P.C., professional corporation,
    professional service corporation, PSC, PLLC, PLC, professional association, P.A., service corporation, S.C., chartered, Chtd., Arizona Close Corporation, and A.C.C.
  7. An identifier cannot be used with a trade name in Arizona to file.

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