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How to Open a Shoe Store

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Category : > New Business Setup
Posted On : Mon Oct 24th,2016

A complete guide to starting shoe store business in the USA

What is a shoe store?

A shoe store is a type of retailer that sells shoes from slippers to athletic and dress shoes. A shoe store can sell shoe accessories such as shoe polish, shoe horns, insoles, and shoelaces.

What legal documents you need to register a shoe store?

  • Business name registration
  • Business License (If applicable)
  • Sales and Use Tax License (if applicable)
  • Employer Identification Number if doing business other than a Sole Proprietorship. It is only required if planning to hire employee(s).

What are the legal identities to operate shoe store?

You must select a business structure to start your shoe store. There are four business structures to register you shoe store business:

  • Corporation
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Partnership
  • Sole proprietorship

There is nothing wrong or right in these structures, you just need to select the structure best meeting your business needs.


What kind of shoes do you place in your shoe store?

A wide variety of shoes are available on online shops and huge shoes store, you need to decorate the shoes of great fashion, if you are in trend and focusing what people are looking for, you can become a brand very fast. you can sell:

  • Orthopedic shoes
  • Formal men shoes
  • Children shoes
  • Toddler
  • Designer women shoes

How to decorate your shoe store?

The most important point in decoration is to place the shoe inventory reasonably. For instance, you build a children shoe inventory, if you make children play area decorate it as per store theme. You should place each inventory separately so the customers approach their required items easily.


How to finance your shoe store business?

Shoe store business is a fantastic idea but you need a good cash flow to meet your plan on time and could apply your business strategies effectively. Before investing funds draw a comprehensive plan. Here are some points to set your finance:

  • Personal saving
  • Get money from business partners or investors
  • Apply a loan to your bank


How to choose a suitable location for your shoe store business?

Like other business, shoe store business demands some extra space because customers like to visit the shops which have an extra variety of shoes. You can select the place according to your business such as mall to sell shoes to teenagers. There is no restriction either to open it in a populated area or not, people need shoes and will attract to you. But remember do not place it away from your target market.


What are the marketing strategies and ideas to start a shoe store?

In the shoe business, you need to be aware of tough competition in the industry. It is all about to focusing the designs and trends and either you are satisfying customers’ needs or not. You can market your business through:

  • Send introductory letters to the retailers, fashion shows and sports events
  • Advertise your shoe business in the local newspaper and fashion and sports magazine
  • Word of mouth marketing
  • Getting PPC campaigns oe online visibility
  • Customer Trusted seal- consumer report

What are the Possible challenges and threats You Will Face When Starting a Shoe store?

There are challenges and risks in every business. you can face product risk; it means investment into a brand or product that is not getting popularity. Shoes must need to address the market. Knowing the customer and market trends are a big challenge that gives a shape to your product and business.


How to promote your shoe store business?

You can promote your shoe store business through online social strategies and an attractive website. Open accounts on social networks expand your brand to millions of people. Building a decent website gives you a medium to show your strengths to the whole world.



The Author of this article is a M.Phil in English Literature

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