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How to Dissolve an LLC in PA

What is the requirement to dissolve the LLC in Pennsylvania? Get Clearance certificate File articles of dissolution
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Category : > A Company Dissolution Library
Posted On : Mon Aug 08th,2016

What is the requirement to dissolve the LLC in Pennsylvania? Get Clearance certificate File articles of dissolution

Every business owner is required to file a dissolution with the Pennsylvania Secretary of state, if he/she is no longer in the business and cancel all Pennsylvania business licenses with the department they had obtained.

What is the process involved in order to cancel Pennsylvania company for good?

  • Tax clearance certificates must be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue and from the Bureau of Employment Security of the Department of Labor and Industry and it is currently taking six to eight months. Before, sending a request to the department, make sure that you have filed all passed due returns and owe no taxes to the state to get the clean clearance otherwise it may take longer time to get a clearance certificate.
  • After successfully receiving a clearance certificate, you have to file articles of dissolution with the secretary of state to terminate the Pennsylvania company.
  • You must get a written consent from all members or stockholders to dissolve a company in the state of Pennsylvania.


You generally need following information to file dissolution.

  • Name of the Pennsylvania LLC
  • Employer Identification Number of the LLC
  • Information of all the members
  • Business Address
  • Mailing Address
  • Business Description
  • Articles of the dissolution has to be signed by the members
  • Is your LLC in a good standing?
  • Have you filed your federal and state returns?

You can use the following link to check prices according to the state or call us for any additional information.



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