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Hawaii Entity Name Search Real Time Database

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Category : > New Business Setup
Posted On : Sat Jun 01st,2019

The purpose of the state of Hawaii real time database is to search an entity whether it is existing to extract the certificate of good standing Hawaii or check the entity name availability to register a new entity.

Hawaii Entity Name Search To Form A New Company or Buy Certificate of Good Standing:

Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs's real time database is used to look up the name of the existing entities to secure a good standing certificate and filing a new business name with the D.C.C.A.

A keyword is used in a name search field to find out, if the entity exists in the DCCA business entity database or not.

The DCCA does not collect a fee to find the entity name in the Hawaii state database unless a request is sent to withdraw a certificate of good standing of an already registered entity with the DCCA.


What is the reason to apply a Certificate of Good Standing Hawaii?

It is generally applied to check if the company is not admin dissolved or revoked by the DCCA due to not filing annual reports and the state taxes, additionally it is under the compliance of the state laws and meets all the legal requirements to conduct business in the state of Hawaii. It is issued the same day, if it is applied electronically with the DCCA. Generally, the financial institutions asks to provide to check the company current status. It is one of the requirements of some banks to open a business checking account.

What are the characteristics that one should consider naming a new business?

A business name is a cornerstone for a business and it should have the following characteristics:

  • It should have a true meaning which reflects to the industry niche.
  • The tongue should not be twisted while calling a business name.
  • The business name is recommended to give in a local language to easily pronounce to send an understandable message to the audience.
  • The business name must be available with the Hawaii secretary of state to start a new business.
  • State of Hawaii also has an option to reserve a business name if you are not ready to incorporate it now.



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