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Four Tips on Preparing for a Disaster Tax Return!

Source of Information is IRS official site.Four Tips on Preparing for a Disaste!
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Category : > Income Tax Filing Across The USA
Posted On : Mon Jul 12th,2010

Source of Information is IRS official site.Four Tips on Preparing for a Disaste!

Planning what to do in case of a disaster is an important part of being prepared. The Internal Revenue Service encourages taxpayers to safeguard their records. Some simple steps can help taxpayers protect financial and tax records in case of disasters.

Listed below are tips for individuals on preparing for a disaster.

Record Keeping:

Take advantage of paperless record keeping for financial and tax records. Many people receive bank statements and documents by e-mail. This method is an outstanding way to secure financial records. Important tax records such as W-2s, tax returns and other paper documents can be scanned onto an electronic format. You can copy them onto a ‘key’ or ‘jump drive’ periodically and then keep the electronic records in a safe place.

2.Document Valuables:

The IRS has disaster loss workbooks for individuals that can help you compile a room-by-room list of your belongings. One option is to photograph or videotape the contents of your home, especially items of greater value. You should store the photos in a safe place away from the geographic area at risk. This will help you recall and prove the market value of items for insurance and casualty loss claims.

3.Update Emergency Plans Emergency plans:

Should be reviewed annually, Individual taxpayers should make sure they are saving documents everybody should keep including such things as W-2s, home closing statements and insurance records. Make sure you have a means of receiving severe weather information; if you have a NOAA Weather Radio, put fresh batteries in it. Make sure you know what you should do if threatening weather approaches.

4.Count on the IRS:

In the event of a disaster, the IRS stands ready to help. The IRS has valuable information you can request if your records are destroyed. If you have been impacted by a federally declared disaster, you may receive copies or transcripts of previously filed tax returns.


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