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File Annual Report, Statement of information or Biennial Statement

Filing of Annual Report, Statement of information or Biennial Statement
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Category : > Annual Report Filing
Posted On : Sat Aug 29th,2009

Filing of Annual Report, Statement of information or Biennial Statement

In most states, an entity registered with the secretary of state must file an Annual Report when due. Failure to file will subject the entity to being administratively dissolved or having its authority to transact business revoked. In many states dedicated Commission will send a notice to remind the entity due date. Monetary penalties will be assessed for late-filed Annual Reports, by Article/Business Act of that particular state in which corporation is being operated. Penalties begin accruing the day after the due date.

Annual Report is also known as Statement of Information and Biennial Statement. All profit and non-profit corporations (domestic and foreign), as well as all limited partnerships, limited liability companies, and limited liability partnerships. Annual report filing is a prerequisite for maintaining an active business status.

Information from the annual report is public and forms the core of the State's corporate/ business status reporting system. This information is relied on heavily by the commercial, financial and legal sectors.

Signing Authority:

Individuals who may sign the annual report are specifically designated to sign the annual report of an entity.


If you are ready to file annual report then please click order now button or for additional information read more. You can also use our 24/7 live chat service for free consultation or toll free +1 (866)754 4460+1 (866)754 4460


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Comments (7)
Hassan Hamedi   wrote on : Fri Mar 12th,2010
To Whom It May Concern, When I filed an annual report on 10-29-09 for Electro-Connect, Inc., I forgot to print out a copy for my file. I am in urgent need of: name of Company President, name of Secretary, name of Treasurer, and names of Directors. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated, as I am under a strict time constraint. Thank you for your consideration. Best regards, Hassan Hamedi      View Detail
Reply :
Dear Hassan Hamedi:

Thanks for choosing for your business needs. You can go to the state data base. In most states you can buy the image online. You can either go to the state data base to print or can contact us at 516.822.3100 to help you.
Business Documents

Ed Mackus   wrote on : Fri Apr 16th,2010
WHY do you make it that hard to find the site to file the annual LLC report? I just can NOT find it using hhtp:// PLEASE HELP      View Detail
Reply :
Dear Ed Mackus:

We are the third party filers and service oriented business. If you need our help to file your annual report then please use the following link:

If you need any assistance please call us at 516.822.3100
Business Documents

David A. Pond   wrote on : Tue Feb 21st,2012
Hello, earlier today I tried to submit my annual report filing requirement of my LLC through your website. Later I realized that I was suppose to file with the DFI. I had filled out your form and submitted payment with my credit card. I dont know if the transaction went through or not but I hope my credit card info. and the transaction can be deleted. I'm sorry for the confusion. Could you please respond asap, to let me know if the transaction and my info. can be deleted. Thank you.      View Detail
Reply :
Dear  David A. Pond:

Thanks for choosing for your business needs. We do not see any order through for Annual Report Filing LLC. If you see any charge on your card then you can either send us an email at or call at 516.822.3100

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