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File a DBA in New York

This article contains a complete process to register a dba in the state of New York as a corporation or a legal entity such as a corporation or an L.L.C.
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Category : > DBA / Assumed Name
Posted On : Thu Aug 11th,2016

This article contains a complete process to register a dba in the state of New York as a corporation or a legal entity such as a corporation or an L.L.C.

Who must file a D.B.A in New York?


Characteristics of the D.B.A that is registered by a legal entity:
A legal entity that is legally registered with the New York division of corporations New York is eligible to file for an assumed name or a D.B.A. It is filed with state rather than an individual county.
The general process it the same day, but there is an additional fee to expedite the process.
Characteristics of the D.B.A that is registered under your legally given name rather than an entity:
A sole proprietorship is registered with the county clerk's office rather than the state. All applications are required to sign and notarize with the notary public. It is approved the same time, if it is presented over the counter by an owner or a legal representative.
The county clerk's office issues a business certificate, that is posted on the wall where the business is being conducted.
Every unique county has a different fees in the state of New York and you can check the chart of the filing fee schedule by using the above mentioned link.





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