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Domestication Business Entity in Pennsylvania!

How to domesticate Business Entity in the state of Pennsylvania from Home State to retain age?
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Category : > Articles About Moving Company From One State To Another
Posted On : Sat Sep 06th,2014

How to domesticate Business Entity in the state of Pennsylvania from Home State to retain age?

What is a Statement of Domestication Pennsylvania?

To domesticate your business entity in the state of Pennsylvania from other states, you need to first register your foreign entity in the state of Pennsylvania. Then file Articles of Domestication to retain the age of the same company which was registered in the other state.

New Law is introduced to move company in the state of Pennsylvania from another state

State of Pennsylvania has changed the law to move come from from the other state and now instead of foreign qualifying in Pennsylvania, you can file a statement of Domestication to the PA secretary of state to move company from another state to PA.

What is the biggest advantage to move company from one state to another instead of registering a new company?

  • The age of the company will be transferred by filing an application for a statement of domestication.
  • It will not be a fresh company.

How to move company in Pennsylvania from the other state to save the age of the existing company?

 File statement of Domestication-Other DSCB 15-61 with the Pennsylvania secretary of state.

 How much is the state filing fee to file a statement of domestication?

State filing fee is $70.00


How long does State of PA takes to approve the statement of Domestication?

The state of PA normally takes seven to ten working days to process your application of the statement of domestication.

Dissolution of the Pennsylvania Company

You are required to close the home state business after moving your company successfully in the state of Pennsylvania.

IRS notification of moving company from one state to another

  •  You will use the same employer identification number unless you changed the business structure of a corporation to a limited liability company or vice versa.
  • You are responsible to notify the IRS to move company from one state to another.






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Comments (1)
Steve hobson   wrote on : Mon Jul 12th,2021
I want to domesticate my Florida llc to Pennsylvania. It is already registered as a foreign in Penn. I can't find a way to create an account online with you to accomplish this...      View Detail
Reply :
Hi Steven,

Yes, both states, Florida and Pennsylvania do allow to move or domesticate company from one state to another.

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