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Do I have to renew my retail cigarette and tobacco licenses?

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Category : > Retail cigarette & Tobacco License
Posted On : Sat Aug 29th,2009


Yes. The retail cigarette license and tobacco retail licenses must be renewed annually or according to the state requirement. However, if you fail to renew your retail cigarette license and tobacco licenses timely and allow your license to expire, you will be required to pay a reinstatement fee as a precondition for reinstatement. Please remember that you may not sell cigarette and/or tobacco products without a valid Cigarette and Tobacco License/Cigarette vending machine license.

Carrying renewed retail cigarette and tobacco licenses and sales tax permit is mandatory to sell any tobacco items in the state of New York. Certificate of Authority and Retail cigarette license must be displayed at location prominently.


If you are ready to order for retail cigarette or tobacco  licenses,or sales tax registration in
any fifty states to sell cigarette and  tobacco products please click order now button or for addition
information click read more. You can also use our 24/7 live chat service for free consultation or toll
+1 (866)754 4460+1 (866)754 4460


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Comments (1)
Eric Cabana   wrote on : Tue Jul 13th,2010
To Whom It May Concern: I am an entreprenuer considering starting a business in the Make-Your-Own/Roll-Your-Own tobacco and tobacco product category. I was wondering if you could help in any capacity. 1) I am planning on distributing cigarette rolling papers. What kind of license(s) (if any) do I need for my business? How much? 2) How can I acquire a list of all businesses that have a current tobacco license/cigarette license? 3) How can I make sure that I am compliant with all the rules and regulation prior to me taking in inventory/shipment? 4) What other agencies can I contact for information? Any input, insight or direction is greatly appreciated. Any information or direction you can point me to would be greatly apreciated. Thank you in advance for your help, Eric Cabana      View Detail
Reply :
Dear Eric:

Thanks for choosing for your business needs. Our job is limited to registration. As far as the licensing requirements are concerned  it depends on your county and state which you did not mention in your question. Please either call us at +1 (866)754 4460 or email at
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