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Checklist to Start, Maintain and Close Business

Questions to be considered or to discuss with professionals before starting any business.
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Category : > New Business Setup
Posted On : Mon Aug 25th,2014

Questions to be considered or to discuss with professionals before starting any business.


You can either email at or call at 1(516) 822.3100 for any of the following questions to open, maintain or close your business. We will answer any of your questions 100% free.


Q: What is the best structure for your business, like corporation, LLC, sole proprietor and etc?

Q: Advantages and disadvantages of incorporating your business?

Q: Difference between a “limited partnership,” a “limited liability partnership,” and a “limited liability company?”

Q: Difference between an LLC and a business corporation?

Q: How many people are required to form a non-profit corporation, a limited liability company or a business corporation?

Q: How many people are required to form a limited partnership?

Q: How do I incorporate my business?

Q: Who is authorized to execute documents to be filed at the Department of the Secretary of State?

Q: Where do I file my company’s Articles of Incorporation/Organization?

Q: How much will it cost to file my company’s Articles of Incorporation/Organization?

Q: How will I know when my Articles of Incorporation/organization have been filed?

Q: Do I have to hire an attorney to incorporate?

Q: Can the Secretary of State’s office answer questions regarding the legitimacy of a corporation?

Q: What do I do once my Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the Department of the Secretary of State?
Q: What are a registered agent and a registered office?

Q: How do I change my registered agent and registered office?

Q: When is my business annual report due?

Q: Is there any way I can reserve a certain name for my corporation before I file for Incorporating Your Business

Q: I want to start a new corporation as soon as possible. Do I need to file a form to reserve the corporate name I want?

Q: How would I confirm if the business name is available before submitting application to the agency?

Q: The company name I want to use is currently in use by a company that has been dissolved. How long must I wait to use the name?

Q: I want my corporation to have a new name. How do I go about changing its name?

Q. Should I apply for a new EIN if I change my company name?

Q: If my company is already incorporated in another state or nation, how would I open a branch office?

Q: How much will it cost me to file my Application for Certificate of Authority or a foreign entity?

Q: Can I change my Articles of Incorporation after they’ve been filed?

Q: If a mistake has been made on a document that has already been filed, is there a way to correct it?

Q: Where do you file an assumed name certificate?

Q: Do I need to file my company’s Articles of Incorporation with the local Register of Deeds?

Q: I’d like to get a “Certificate of Good Standing” regarding a particular corporation. Does the Secretary issue such certificates?

Q: I need a Certificate of Existence in a hurry. May I have it right away if I come to pick it up in person?

Q: Where can I get a copy of the Corporation Laws?

Q: What authority does the Secretary of State’s Office have in regard to enforcing the business entity statutes?

Q: What happens when there is an internal dispute and multiple parties are submitting documents for filing which are contradictory?

Q: I am going to stop doing business, is there anything I need to file with the Secretary of State’s Office?

Q. Can I mnove my existing company into another state to save age?

Q. Can I change my existing company structure? For example corporation to an llc or vice versa?

Q. Can I reinstate my comapny if it is dissloved or not in a good standing?

Q. What and when do I have to file my taxes?

Q. How can I terminate or dissolve my business?

Q. How would I know if my company is in good standing and have not missed any filing deadline?

Q. What are letters of good standing, company status reports and existing letters?

Q. Do I need to obtian any license to conduct business in my state?

Q. What types of insurances do I need to start business or retain employees?

Q. How can I hire employees and their registration and reporting?

Q. Can I register business in USA as a Non-US-Resident?

Q. Can I open a bank account in USA as a Non-US-Resident to conduct business?

Q. Do I have to be physically in USA to register company?

Q. How can I register business in USA without address?


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