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Category : > Income Tax Filing Across The USA
Posted On : Tue Oct 06th,2009
Can I deduct Penalty on Early withdrawal?
Penalty on Early withdrawal
Enter interest or principal forfeited because of an early withdrawal of time deposits, such as an early withdrawal from a certificate of deposit (CD) that is deductible from gross income by the recipient. Do not reduce the amount reported in box 1 by the amount of the forfeiture.
The Form 1099-INT or Form 1099-OID you received will show the amount of any penalty you were charged.
InfoTaxSquare helps filing Income Taxes in all fifty states. If you need our services please click order now button or for additional information read more. For live assistance can be called at +1 (866)754 4460 or email at support@infotaxsquare.com. 24/7 online help is available!