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Can a Non Profit be structured an LLC?

Register Non-Profit as an LLC!
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Category : > Non Profit Religious and Non Religious Organization
Posted On : Wed Jan 19th,2011

Register Non-Profit as an LLC!

Only in fes states a Non-Profit Organization/Non Profit Corporations can be registered as an LLC


Please follow the following states where you can register your Non Profit Corporation as an LLC:


  1. State of Arizon-Not Allowed
  2. State New York-Not Allowed
  3. State of Florida-Not Allowed
  4. State of Pennsylvania-Not Allowed
  5. State of Minnesota (Allowed)
  6. State of Ohio (Nonprofit limited liability companies can be formed in Ohio, and foreign nonprofit limited liability companies can be registered here.Registration of Foreign Limited Liability Company, would be used to register a foreign nonprofit LLC.
  7. State of Texas (Not Allowed)
  8. State of Idaho (Not Allowed)
  9. State of Utah (Not Allowed) In the state of Utah Non Profit Corporations are called Low Profit Organizations
  10. State of  IOWA (Not Allowed)
  11. State of Indiana (Not Allowed)-No, we only have one type of LLC
  12. State of Massachusetts- do not distinguish between profit and non profit for LLCs
  13. State of Rhode Island-do not have that designation
  14. State of Mississippi-do not allow nonprofit LLCs.
  15. Virginia does not distinguish a for profit LLC from a not-for profit LLC.  You simply form an LLC.
  16. State of Tennessee-Allowed
  17. State of Oregon-Oregon does not have a provision for filing nonprofit limited liability companies.
  18. State of Colorado-Nonprofit Corporations can be formed within the state of Colorado.
  19. State of Maine-There is no provision in Maine for a Non-Profit LLC
  20. State of Oregon-Oregon does not have a provision for filing nonprofit limited liability companies.
  21. State of Kentucky-Yes a limited liability company can file as a non-profit LLC.
  22. State of North Dakota-Allowed
  23. State of Michigan-The Michigan Limited Liability Company Act does not recognize a non-profit status for limited liability companies.
  24. State of North Carolina-Nonprofit entities cannot be LLC's in the state of
    North Carolina. They are completely separate in our state.
  25. State of Missouri-Not Allowed
  26. State of Connecticut-Not allowed
  27. State of South Carolina -Allowed
  28. State of New Jersey-Not Allowed
  29. State of Nevada-Not Allowed
  30. State of Washington-Non Allowed




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Comments (1)
Melissa Tomback   wrote on : Fri Jan 24th,2014
Hi,   According to your website, "there is no provistion in Maine Law for an LLC to become a Low Profit LLC or a Non-Profit LLC." However, doing a little research, I looked at the Maine government site and found the page for incorporating a LLC --     If you look at certificate MLLC-6 it gives you a provision for forming a low-profit LLC (not non-profit) 31 MRSA sec. 1611 in Maine.  So I am confused.  Are you sure about the information on your website? Thanks, Melissa      View Detail
Reply :

Does State of Maine has a provision to treat Non Profit an LLC?

Melissa Tomback,

State of Maine does not allow Non Profit to register an LLC. is neither associated with the secretary of state or a partner and share only general information. Sometime, you may not find the updated information or may conflict with the actual provisions. So, we advice you to please verify the information either with the professionals of secretary of state.

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