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Arizona-Changes to Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization for Limited Liability Companies

How to file Arizona articles of incorporation?
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Category : > Articles Directory To Open A Corporation in The USA
Posted On : Thu Jun 17th,2010

How to file Arizona articles of incorporation?

How to file articles of incorporation or organization in Arizona?

The Corporations Division approves for filing all articles of incorporation for Arizona businesses; all articles of organization for limited liability companies; grants authority to foreign corporations to transact business in this state; propounds interrogatories when necessary to determine a company's lawful purpose; and revokes the corporate charters of those corporations which choose to not comply with Arizona law. The Division collects from every corporation an annual report which reflects its known place of business, statutory agent information, business type, stock information, and officer and director information; maintains this information in a format conducive to public access; responds to public questions concerning Arizona businesses and corporation law; and responds to the needs of the business sector by disseminating whatever information is mission-critical to them in the most expedient and cost-effective manner possible.

Any significant changes to Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization for Limited Liability Companies in the form of amendments, mergers, consolidations, dissolution or withdrawals are also filed with the Division. All filings are public record and available for inspection.

The Corporations Division is comprised of four Sections, with each Section designed to perform specific functions. The Division also provides staffing in the Tucson Office of the Corporation Commission for service to the residents of Southern Arizona.

Any significant changes to Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization for Limited Liability Companies in the form of amendments, mergers, consolidations, dissolution or withdrawals are also filed with the Division. All filings are public record and available for inspection. 




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