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Apply for Louisiana General Sales Tax and Use Tax Permit

An ultimate guide to Apply for Louisiana General Sales Tax and Use Tax Permit
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Category : > Article Directory of Sales Tax Registration
Posted On : Tue Dec 27th,2016

An ultimate guide to Apply for Louisiana General Sales Tax and Use Tax Permit

What is a General Sales Tax Louisiana?

All vendors selling taxable products and providing taxable services in the state of Louisiana are responsible to collect sales tax from customers or the end-users.

What is a resale permit Louisiana?

It is used to buy goods from the sellers to re-sell to the end users in the state of Louisiana.

What is a Louisiana Use Tax?

State of Louisiana generally collects use tax on the out of state purchases and buyer is reported the purchases on the income tax return.

What is a general sales and use tax permit Louisiana?

A sales and use tax permit Louisiana is required to sell taxable goods and services within the state of Louisiana.

Who issues general sales and use tax permit Louisiana?

Louisiana Department of Revenue issues the resale certificate.

How to apply sales and use tax license Louisiana?

The sales tax permit is applied electronically to the Louisiana Department of Revenue.

What is the Louisiana Department of Revenue processing time to file general sales and use tax?

Generally LDR issues the sales tax permit in 24-48 hours unless there is any deficiency in the application or owed prior taxes.

What is the state of Louisiana filing fee to get a sales and use tax permit?

The LDR does not charge any fee to secure a Louisiana resale permit.

How to determine the basis to calculate sales and use tax on taxable items?

The Louisiana state general sales tax and use tax is calculated on gross receipts.

The sales tax is collected on the following items in the state of Louisiana.

  • Tangible personal property

  • Services rendered by the seller in connection with the sale such as shipping and handling

  • The sales tax is charged on the gross sale.

What is the filing frequency in the state of Louisiana to file sales and use tax returns?

State of Louisiana Sales tax reports and tax payments are filed on or before the 20th of the month following the close of the calendar month or calendar quarter of the reporting period.

Renewal or Validation Louisiana Resale Certificate:

The resale certificate is renewed with the LDR and the Louisiana Department of Revenue send notifications to the business owners before the due date.

What is the sales tax rate in the state of Louisiana?

The updated sales tax rate is checked on the LDR website.


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