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How to get a Certificate of Good Standing of New Hampshire?

It is advised to obtain a certificate of Good Standing from the Secretary of State New Hampshire to check the status of your business entity every year to confirm, if your company is in a full compliance with the New Hampshire state or not.

A certificate of good standing is issued for the business entities only and not for a sole proprietorship And it shows, that the entity has filed reports and fees.

There are three different ways to obtain a certificate of good standing New Hampshire, which are shared below:

Apply Online: A letter of good standing New Hampshire obtains online real time to print and the state filing is $5.00 and $2.00 is charged additionally for the handling charges. It is ordered through QuickStart Account at the New Hampshire Secretary of State Website.

Apply By Mail: A letter is written to the New Hampshire division of corporation to request for a certificate of good standing and the state fee is $5.00. A letter includes the name of the entity, entity number and the mailing address where the certificate will be sent.

Apply Personally In the office: An authorized person can make a personal visit to the New Hampshire Corporation Division, to order for a certificate of good standing and the filing is is $5.00 plus an additional $25.00 is charged for the expedited fees.

What is the reason to secure a Certificate of Good Standing New Hampshire for an entity?

It is generally secured to open a bank account, apply for a loan and licensing purpose.

What is an estimated time to receive a certificate of Good Standing of New Hampshire?

Generally, it is issued the same day.

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