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How to obtain a Business License in the State of Nevada?
Who is required to obtain a business license in the State of Nevada?

Every person or entity doing business in the state of Nevada obtains a business license annually. A business that meets the criteria shall not do business in the state of Nevada without the State Business License.

How to apply for a business license?

A business must apply for the State Business License with the Office of the Secretary of State. You can apply for the business license as per your business structure.

For corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, the application for a business license is part of the Initial List or Annual List of Officers filing and can be filed online or submitted by mail, fax, or in-person at local city or county offices.

For sole proprietors and partnerships, a State Business License application can be filed online or submitted manually by mail, fax, or in-person at one of two office locations in Carson City or Las Vegas.

An application form for business licenses can be downloaded from Department of taxation, Nevada website. This form can be used for all types of business entities.

What is the business license fee?

Application for business license must be accompanied by the license fees at the time of submission.

The State Business License Fee is as follows:

Corporations $500
All other business types $200
How long will the State office take to issue the business license?

If you submit the license application through mail or in person, it will take one to two weeks’ time to process the application. But if you submit the application online, processing takes place immediately.

Can my business license be renewed?

The State Business License must be renewed annually. Renewal of the business license along with the fee is due on the last day of the month in which the license was originally filed. The renewal fee is $500 for Corporations, and $200 for all other business entity types.

Is my business subject to any penalty for not paying annual renewal fees?

Failing to submit the annual fee required by the due date is subject to a penalty of an amount of $100 in addition to the annual fee.

Choose One Of The Following Links To Proceed For A Business Name Registration or Business Licenses In The State of Nevada:




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